
The Global Feminist Revolt (1): Lessons from Poland, Spain, Brazil (webinar on December 12)

Saturday, December 12 at 2pm East Coast US time. Go to Internationalism from Below for viewing details.

Over the past decade, a global feminist movement has exploded in dozens of countries including Ireland, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, India, the United States and beyond, fighting for gender equality, an end to violence against women and LGBTQ people, and in defense of abortion rights and women’s health.

In 2018, five million women took part in a feminist strike on International Women’s Day in the Spanish state, Brazilian feminists have spearheaded campaigns against gender violence, including a national campaign to bring Marielle Franco’s assassins to justice.

And, most recently, millions of women in Poland have taken to the streets in defense of abortion rights.Join a panel of speakers exploring critical dynamics and commonalities across borders.

Julia Camara is a feminist organizer and historian based in Zaragoza and a member of Anticapitalistas.

Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bak is a Polish feminist activist and a member of parliament of Lewica (the Left).

Talíria Petrone is a federal deputy representing Rio de Janeiro and a member of the Party for Socialism and Freedom (PSOL).

Hosted by Internationalism from Below, Alliance of MENA Socialists, and No Borders News.

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